A Cop and a Criminal

Recently, there was a tragic event in a nearby city.

A policeman and a criminal exchanged gunfire.

As a result, both of them lost their lives.

The officer was buried with a lot of respectful and dignified detail.

I do not know about the perpetrator’s service.

The criminal’s violent actions and behavior required a response from law enforcement.

There has to be law, true.

I do not condone the perpetrator’s actions.

A person I know made an observation about this to me.

She said she did not understand the difference why one was treated in a better way than the other.

I simply answered her by saying, “that’s the way things are”.

She replied that both were a child of the Almighty.


Her observation made me reflect.

Why the disparity?

“One is not better than the other,” she said.

One represents the status quo, society, law/order.

The other represents chaos & disrespecting established laws.

I heard a preacher say a blessing on the officer’s family & on law enforcement, for safe streets and peace in the city, & anyone affected.

But I did not hear an outcry or protest from any other churches regarding the dignity of mankind.

Has society strayed so far that we have lost touch with our humanity? Can we recover it?

A society where life no longer has any value.

These are simply my personal observations & viewpoint.

There have been many lives of law enforcement taken by the criminal element.

Also, many lives of citizens, innocent or not, have been too.

At the time of this post, South Bend,Indiana & Memphis, Tennesse are in the news regarding individuals killed, which caused riots to happen.

When will the killing stop?

If the U.S. already has all the laws on the books, to protect everyone,why does it continue?

The federal & state governments also have civil rights protections.

Some people say the U.S. is now a police state.

I believe there must truly be contructive & effective dialogue between everyone.

Are we that much out of control, people & governments cannot communicate?

Is our country like a runaway train, that there’s no turning back by putting on the brakes.

The idea being that the U.S. is a “civilized” country.

to be continued…

Brian Isaak Clyde

My condolences to his family, loved ones, & friends.

Thank You for Your service.

Brian Isaak Clyde was a former Army veteran, having served 2 years.

Persons who knew him & served with him state he was discharged because he did not pass a physical test.

Clyde was trained by the same government he served.

The manner in which the Dallas police dept & other law enforcement agencies involved, possibly, was a bit overkill.

If Clyde had been seeking help for any issues he may have had, such as ptsd, it did not matter to the ones who took his life.

He had not hurt anybody til the moment he was killed.

This tragic incident might have been resolved through a negotiator.

Perhaps he was crying out for help.

This response by the dallas p.d. clearly shows how our veterans are truly loved & cared for.

It is my contention that higher ups gave the green light/go ahead to take Clyde out.

dallas police overreacted with their itchy trigger finger.

How else could this incident have been prevented.

I wonder.